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EMAC 2023 Annual

Proposition of a scale for measuring sustainable marketing actions in food service businesses

Published: May 24, 2023


Adriana Madeira, University Presbyterian Mackenzie; Fabiana Gama de Medeiros, Universidade Federal da Paraíba; GILBERTO PEREZ, Mackenzie Presbiterian University; Tatiana Ramires, Universidad Gabriela Mistral; Vanessa Bretas, Dublin City University


This study aims to propose and validate a scale for measuring sustainability actions in marketing in food services companies in order to carry out scientific investigations and for companies to use it as an evaluation tool. Reviewing the literature led to the perception of a need to build a scale to measure sustainable actions in marketing in food service companies, particularly because there have not been sufficient efforts made to combine all of the dimensions associated with measuring sustainability. Therefore, 61 statements were structured and validated, covering 10 thematic dimensions, namely product, distribution, communication, price, processes, personnel, suppliers, population-society, sustainability indicators, and government. The validation, conceptual adequacy, and clarity procedures comprised calculations of the Hernandez-Nieto validation index and Cronbach’s alpha.